Friday, August 08, 2008

Ev is officially a Spartan!

We found out yesterday that our son, Everett, was accepted by White Station High School. We do not live in the WSHS district, but Ev went to White Station Middle School before we left Memphis and most of his friends (including his cousins, Cody and Zach) went on to WSHS. It is also the number one high school in Memphis City Schools system. We are very happy, but it was much more of an ordeal than it should have been to reach this point.

We were told initially that Ev was 26th on a waiting list to get in White Station. We kept up our hopes about WSHS, but we also began contemplating what looked like a very likely plan B, which was going to Central High School (the high school for the district in which we live). Now, I moved to Memphis my senior year of high school and I spent that year at Central. It was probably the worst year of my life. I do not have pleasant memories of Central and my first reaction was "There is no way he is going there." However, once I looked into it and talked to a few people about Central, I calmed down and realized I was making a decision based entirely on emotion. It is a very good school and Ev would get a great education if he went there. So, Ev tackled the summer reading list for Central and I met with the principal to be sure we had our ducks in a row to get him in the classes we wanted. All the while though, we kept jumping through the many bureaucratic hoops presented to us along the way in our attempt to transfer to WSHS.

In the interest of brevity I will spare you the rest of the long story. Suffice it to say most of the hoops we jumped through turned out to be completely unnecessary. The important thing is that Ev is in the school he really wanted and we are pleased. Unfortunately, Ev busted his butt to complete the reading list for Central (he finished three books in less than two weeks) and now he has to three more books to attack. Luckily the teacher has extended the deadline by a month for Ev. He is already half way through the first one (in less than a day!) so he will be fine.

Go Spartans!

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