Saturday, August 16, 2008

All is well that ends well

Ev's first week as a sophomore at White Station High School started off a little rocky, but things smoothed out quickly.

Even though we registered Ev on the Friday before school started, he was not enrolled when he got there Monday morning. Apparently his file was stuck with files of other transfer students who could not be enrolled until they were withdrawn from the school from which they transferred. Ev was never registered anywhere else, so that was a mistake. So, unbeknownst to us until he got home Monday, he spent the entire day sitting in the gymnasium.

But, all was well Tuesday. He was able to get the office to put him in the system in the morning, he got his schedule and he was on his way. He likes most of his teachers (based on the first week's impressions anyway). He was very happy to see some of his friends he hadn't had a chance to see yet since we got back. He seemed pleased with the first week over all.

A friend of Scott's who lives a few streets away from us has a daughter who is a junior at WSHS. She drives to school everyday, so she gives Ev a ride. That means I don't have to drop him off and pick him up everyday, so I am happy. Ev likes it too. He would be happiest if he could drive himself, of course, but since he can't do that yet, riding with a friend is still several marks higher on the cool meter than catching a ride with mom.

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