Monday, April 07, 2008

Making a Move

Hello, everyone!

As most of you know, the Browns are moving back to Memphis. I don't know what to say about it except that California is just not for us. Well, not for Scott and me anyway. Ev loves it. When we talked to him about the possibility of moving, he wasn't thrilled with the idea, but said he would be willing to do it as long as we moved back to Memphis where he has lots of friends. However, he is feeling much more enthusiastic about the move now that he has spread the word among all his old friends that he's coming back. I think he is looking forward to an enthusiastic welcome home. Our goal is to leave in mid-June when Ev gets out of school.

We have decided to sell our house here, even though the market is in the crapper. If it does not sell by midsummer we will probably hire a property manager and rent it. We have been working diligently getting it in shape to sell. And we have been interviewing realtors to find one we like. I think we are just about ready to list it. Wish us luck.

After the move, Scott will continue to work for Microplace, the company he is with now. He had offers from companies in Memphis, but when he told his current boss about our plans, she completely understood and said she wanted to do whatever it took to keep him as an employee -- even if he is in Memphis. So, his job responsibilities will change a bit, but he will still be working with the same team (which he loves) and he will keep all his benefits, stock options, etc. Needless to say we were pretty happy. This does mean we do not have a relocation package, but the other perks we keep will more than make up for it. I am not sure what I am going to do in Memphis. I probably won't decide that until we get there and get settled.

Things should be interesting over the next few months. I'll keep you posted.

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