Now that the pictures are taken, I think all we have left to do is have the carpets cleaned and figure out what we are going to do about the back yard. You may remember that our back yard is covered in sharp, ugly, white rocks.

The previous owner used to live in Las Vegas where residents get discounts on utility bills if they remove grass from their yards. By the time the lady moved in here, she had developed such a distaste for grass she ripped it out of the back yard and replaced it with the rocks. We would put sod in if we were going to stay, but doing it now would not get us the most bang for our buck.
Karen the stager suggested putting a layer of bark pieces over the rock. Not my first choice, but it will definitely be more aesthetically pleasing than the rocks. As it is now, you are blinded when the sun shines on the rocks and it detracts from the pretty things in the yard (rose bushes and other plants). I think the bark will blend in a little more. And the dogs will certainly like it better (what dog doesn't love bark? har har). The rocks hurt their their little feet.