Since we are here in California by ourselves, we decided to open our Christmas presents a few days early. We chose to do it today (Saturday, December 23) and we are officially calling it "Brownmas". That may sound a little sad (or perhaps slightly sacrilegious), but don't fret. We will still celebrate Christmas -- we will save one or two gifts to open that morning and we will have a yummy feast that day (and today!). We actually did the same thing in Memphis last year because we were at my folks' place in Michigan on Christmas day. It looks like we have started a new tradition! Don't worry, we have made Ev promise that when he has little kids of his own, he will celebrate Christmas like a normal person.
Because today is Brownmas, that means yesterday was Brownmas Eve. So of course, we got to open some presents last night as well. I will post a few pictures of Brownmas Eve and Brownmas Day later on Flickr, but the big news is that Scott got me a video camera!!
Come back soon to check out my mad video making skills!
1 comment:
I am so cracking up right now. Happy Brownmas!
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