1. I think Raspberry Zingers are the most delicious food on the planet. I am not a big junk food lover over-all, espcially the sweet stuff, but raspberry zingers are my weakness. I'll eat an entire box in one sitting if someone doesn't stop me!
2. I once spent Christmas Eve with Joe Walsh. In the winter of 1987 I was in Memphis working at a store that sold Christmas decor. Joe Walsh lived in Memphis at the time and happened to live right next door to my boss (Joe had become drinking buddies with my boss' husband). While I was working Christmas Eve that year, my boss and I decided to make Joe a wreath (decorated with little guitars, etc.). We went by his house that evening to deliver the wreath and Joe decided he wanted to hang out (he was already feeling quite jolly, if memory serves). He jumped in the car with us and we drove around with him for a few hours. He wished me a merry Christmas when they dropped me off and I never saw him again.

3. When I was in elementary school I desperately wanted buck teeth. There was a girl a few grades ahead of me who was tough and mean and could do back flips off the high bar on the playground. She had big buck teeth and I thought she was super cool.
4. I anthropomorphize my dogs when no one else is around. My mom and I always anthropomorphized my dog growing up and Scott will tell you I do it a lot now (which Scott actually finds entertaining at times). My secret is that I do it when I am alone. I have entire conversations with the dogs, even when there is no one around to laugh at it. I would like to attribute this behavior to the fact that I spend my days alone in a new city where I don't have any friends yet, but I used to do the same thing in Memphis, so I have no excuse.
5. In college, I once broke my foot simply by climbing into bed. That's all I'm going to say about that one.
Now I have to name five people to share five things. The problem is I think I am supposed to name people who can share on their blogs and I don't know anyone besides Shawn with a blog. So, if any of the people I name don't have a blog, you can either add your five things as a comment to this post, or you can e-mail them to me and I will post them on my blog. The five people are Denise Henderson, Lisa Reschke, Ruth Rodriguez, Birch Harms and Everett Brown.
Re: Zingers- Your wanton desire for Raspberry Zingers explains alot...
Re:Joe Walsh- I loved that Christmas store!!
Re: Your wanting to have buck teeth- why, exactly, did we spring for braces??
Re: anthropomorphizing the dogs- it's where all my dogma came from.
Re: broken foot- I don't want to know...
They say the Zingers taste even better in Louisville :)
Hmmm. If Joe Walsh lives there, I'm in!
Check out this page. I am betting JD's first name is Joe:
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