My boys set off this morning ready for some Halloween fun. Check Flickr for some more pictures. Ev's short hair made for a very nice mohawk. I tried to get him to let me paint it green, but he said, "I don't want to stick out THAT much!"
Ev's team wrestled again last night. The team won soundly and Ev won his match! He did great!! I filmed it all and will be editing the video together today. I will post it here when it's done, so check back later to see all the action!
Hey guys! Looks like Halloween was fun.
Thanks for the Miller name. It is top on my boy list right now.
Oh! Scott! Scott! Scott!
That is the most hideous Halloween costume Miss Thang has ever seen. Why do you feel you must dress for Halloween when your usual weekend attire would make a wonderful costume? Next year, wear your John Deere cap, Budweiser t-shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. People will know you're dressed as a Tennessee redneck and love it. Plus it would be less of an embarrassment to poor little Ev than the garb you are wearing in that pic. Go to the Castro District in San Francisco and you will be the biggest hit in the District.
If your company has a Christmas party, don't let Jill wear a dress with knee-high stockings and white shoes. White shoes are out of season and knee-high stockings with a dress reeks of Tennessee backwoods. Miss Thang always recognizes Tennessee tourists by the way they are dressed. That's why Miss Thang never invites Tennesseans to parties. They always feel they must bring their own quarts of Budweiser, plus they don't seem to understand what "Business Attire" means.
Go to Armani's in San Francisco and buy some suits. Miss Thang knows that Jill will not let you do that so the next time she makes you do the laundry, wash her clothes in hot water and pour a bottle of bleach into the washing machine. When she gets mad at you, apologize to her and tell her that you were distracted because you were thinking about how important Armani suits are.
The Royal Seal of the Queen
Miss Thang
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