Friday, December 21, 2007

It's Brownmas time again!

Hello again!

As usual, it has been way too long since my last post. Sorry!

We are all well and ready for Christmas. Some of you may remember that we celebrate Brownmas now, which is actually a few days before Christmas. It falls on whatever day suits us best. It was going to be Saturday, December 22, this year, but Ev has a wrestling tournament that day. It looks like instead we will have it on Sunday (although the boys are trying to convince me to let them open everything Saturday night).

Our friends Julio and Fabienne invited us to spend Christmas Eve with them and their 16 year old daughter, Morgane. I am looking forward to that. They are a lot of fun and we really enjoy hanging out with them.

Other than Christmas Eve, it looked like nothing special was going to happen this year for the holidays, but that changed last night. We found out yesterday that my sister, Margaret, is going to fly my nephews, Cody and Zach, and their step-brother, Austin, to Michigan after Christmas to spend time with my folks and my sister, Lisa, and her family. So we decided to fly Ev up there too and got him a ticket last night. He leaves on December 27 and comes home January 1. I am glad he is going, but I am jealous. He is going to have a lot of fun!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your families. Hug them all tight and give them lots of kisses under the mistletoe!

Love to you all!

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