I decided to experiment with keeping a blog, primarily as a way to keep in touch with everyone. My
Flickr site works well for that, but sometimes I just don't have enough room on Flickr to go into detail about what we have been up to.
As many of you know, Everett made the Junior Varsity wrestling team at his school. We are very proud of him (often, when someone hasn't wrestled before, they are an alternate their first year) !! He has his next wrestling match this Monday. Last week their opponent (Miller Middle School) did not have a wrestler in his weight class on their JV team, so Ev did not get to wrestle. This week Ev's team, wrestles Sunnydale Middle School. Sunnyvale has a big team, and we are hopeful that Ev will have a chance to hit the mat.
Scott is enjoying his new job at
MicroPlace. He has been busy interviewing developers that will work for him. He is excited about getting his team together so MicroPlace's new website can launch in the spring.
I have been studying a little for the California bar exam, which I will take in February. I am also working on getting the 33 page Character and Fitness application completed so the state bar can do a background check on me and make sure I have the character and morals necessary to become an attorney in California.
Look for pictures on Flickr after the match and check this blog soon for more entries!