Friday, May 18, 2007

Giant spiders on the loose!

Our friends Shawn and Amy, who live in Louisville, have a three year old daughter named Mira. I saw this video of her today, posted on Shawn's Vimeo page. Shawn, I hope you don't mind me posting it here, but I could not resist! How could a story involving spiders (giant talking man-eating spiders, no less) be so darn cute?

from sMoRTy71 on Vimeo

Why is she so adamant that there were NO toys down there? It's a little suspicious. That, coupled with the hopeful look on her face at the end ("That was weak, but you believe me anyway, right Dad?"), makes me wonder what she was up to!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ev's Project

Everett's Social Science class has been studying the Civil War for the past few weeks. As part of their studies, each student had to prepare a five minute presentation about one important event or person associated with the war. Everett worked very very hard on his project. I think he did a great job, but you can judge for yourself: