Hello everyone!
I can't believe how long it has been since my last post! We have been very busy getting settled in the house. We are just about there. The inside is looking great -- just a few stray boxes here and there. Once those are tended to we can attack the garage and get it organized and then start working on the back yard.
We really love the house and the neighborhood. There is a 14 year old boy named Tommy living right next door to us. He will be a freshman next year at Leigh High with Ev. The two have yet to meet (it's not very cool at age 14 to knock on someone's door and ask them to play), but Ev is on his skateboard every evening in front of the house, so Tommy is bound to come out sooner or later.
We took an important step toward feeling settled in the neighborhood this weekend -- we found our local donut shop. Bascom Donuts and Sunny Donuts are both within a quarter mile of our house and we decided a taste test was needed to determine which one would be our regular haunt. On Saturday morning I went to them both and bought one each of five kinds of donut (Scott thought he and I should hit the shops at the same time so the donuts would be at equal levels of freshness for the test, but I thought that was overkill). At home, Scott and Ev performed a blind taste test on each. They compared a glazed old-fashioned, a jelly filled, a long-john, a cinnamon twist and an apple fritter. It was a close call, but Bascom Donuts won.
Ev wants to do burritos next, so we'll keep you posted!
Take care!