We made an offer on a house today and the sellers accepted! We are very excited! It is about 1670 square feet with four bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. It's very cute! It's in an area of San Jose called Cambrian Park. You can check out our new 'hood here (look for the green arrow). We will not be very far from where we live now (near Cupertino). Scott works near Campbell, so he will be very close to work. I, on the other hand, work in Palo Alto, so my drive will just about double. But I'll deal with it!
Everett will be going to Leigh High School which is one of the top ranked schools in the South Bay area. He is handling the idea of moving again (and switching schools again) very well. He loves the house, which makes it a little easier for him. He pointed out the other night that he is not moving out of the state and he will be able to see his friends from Cupertino any time he wants to.
We will likely be closing very soon. The sellers are currently living in Oakridge, Tennessee (!) and are anxious to get this done. The house is empty, so we will be able to begin moving things in as soon as we get our hands on some keys!
I will post a video of the inside as soon as we can get in it again. Until then, check out Flickr for more pictures!